"Alpi Apuane in Festa" - Careggine, sabato 16 e domenica 17 agosto 2014 - a Bosa "la via dei pani" e "un pomeriggio di gusto"


Erbari Ferrarini

silver fir

park's herbarium

hightlighted entities

the "Pinguicula" genus

the St. Viano cabbage

Descriptive cards
of some important
(in italian)

Aquilegia bertolonii

Biscutella apuana

Campanula medium

Carex macrolepis

Carex macrostachys

Carum appuanum

Centaurea arachnoidea

Centaurea arrigoni

Cerastium apuanum

Globularia incanescens

Hypericum coris

Lomelosia graminifolia

Moltkia suffruticosa

Orchis pauciflora

Phyteuma scorzonerifolia

Polygala carueliana

Rhamnus glaucophylla

Rhinanthus apuanus

Salix crataegifolia

Santolina leucantha

Saxifraga lingulata

Scabiosa holosericea

Sesleria tenuifolia

Valeriana saxatilis

Veronica aphylla

The Park's Herbarium


Erminio Ferrarini (1919-2002) is a figure of considerable importance for the Tuscan botany of the second half of the twentieth century. During his life, he studied in particular the flora and vegetation of the Apuan Alps and the nearby Tuscan-Emilian Apennines. He was responsible for the creation of the Botanical Garden of the Alps Apuane "Pietro Pellegrini" and the Forestal Botanical Garden. A witness of his research are the herbarium specimens deposited at the Tuscan universities and two herbaria in Lunigiana, to Carrara and Aulla.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Botanical Museum of the Department of Biology, University of Pisa, we can now publish on our site the entire archives of exsiccata of the herbaria of Aulla and Carrara
(italian language).


L’Erbario di Aulla
L’Erbario di Carrara L’Erbario di Carrara




the park's web portal

extractive history, mining landscape, material culture

the geopark of the
Apuan Alps

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the scientific magazine
of the park

institutional website
of the park

a trip to the
wondering cave

orto botanico             
flora, vegetation,

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work of marble