one relict population of silver fir lives in the Apuan Alps. This is
located in the northern part of the mountain range, at about 1500 m
above sea level, on the north side of Mt Contrario. Twenty plants of
different ages live here in bad vegetative conditions. The
autocthonicity of this population has been demonstrated based on
several considerations, including bibliographic and cartographic
data, comparative genetic analysis with populations nearby and
several studies about the physiognomy of the silver fir population.
recent years the Park has performed a few "in situ"
conservation actions regarding the Apuan Alps silver fir
with the aim of preserving a relict habitat, reported as a
priority by Directive 92/43/EEC, under the name of "Apennine
beech forests with Abies nebrodensis and beech forests with
Abies alba". In addition to actions to improve the condition
of the Abies residual core, work has begun on the “ex situ”
creation of some new native abies populations, in order to
slow the extinction process of the local population, which
is now so much reduced and has great difficulty in natural
renewing. So new Abies alba populations have been created in
some areas of the Apuan Alps suitable to host these plants
and a new conservation core has recently been installed
there too, at the Bosa Park Centre. |